Every design house can buy the EDA tools, hardware, and software it needs to operate, but its success depends on its engineers' brainpower, company process and culture, and the CEO's abilities. In small IP and design service companies in particular, the CEO takes center stage.
The classic design house CEO is an engineer who either has a vision or just wants to run his own show. His leadership expertise probably includes strong engineering project management, but not likely skills in business-related tasks. He works in a regional or a national environment in which proximity to the customer offers inherent benefits. The CEO of a classic third-party IP provider, on the other hand, may also be an engineer, but most likely exhibits a much better mix of business and engineering skills. He must oversee a product that the company will resell to many customers from all over the world.
The classic design house CEO is an engineer who either has a vision or just wants to run his own show. His leadership expertise probably includes strong engineering project management, but not likely skills in business-related tasks. He works in a regional or a national environment in which proximity to the customer offers inherent benefits. The CEO of a classic third-party IP provider, on the other hand, may also be an engineer, but most likely exhibits a much better mix of business and engineering skills. He must oversee a product that the company will resell to many customers from all over the world.